Name: Foxy
Breed: small mixed breed
Gender: Male
Age: 1-2 yrs old
Medical History: Vaccinated, neutered, and microchipped.
Status: currently in with a foster until a suitable home is found for him
Temperament: Friendly, playful, medium energy
Good with strangers? yes
Good with kids? yes
Good with dogs? yes
Good with Cats? Tends to chase street cats
Knows commands? Basic (Sit) , needs more training
Potty-Trained? Yes, outside, but would need reinforcement in a new home
Crate Trained? Unknown
Walks on a leash? Yes, but needs more training
Where does dog usually sleep? In his bed or on the floor
Loves: Playing fetch with toys ad tennis balls, playing with other dogs and receiving affection.
Needs: An adopter or family who can give him the time and space to get comfortable in his new home, play with him while also continuing to work with him on basic commands and walking on a leash.
Story: Foxy was found in the street and taken in by one of the neighbors who then surrendered him to OPJ. Unfortunately, we were never able to find his owners. After spending a short time at the OPJ shelter, Foxy went to a foster home where he is now until a suitable home/family is found for him.
الاسم: فوكسي
النوع: مهجن
الجنس: ذكر
العمر: بين السنه وسنتين
الوضع الحالي: مع محتضن الين نلاقي للمتبني المناسب
معلومات طبية (بيطرية): متطعم، مخصي ولديه مايكروشب
الطبع: ودود، لعوب، طاقته متوسطة
لطيف مع الغرباء؟ نعم
لطيف مع الأطفال؟ نعم
لطيف مع الكلاب؟ نعم
لطيف مع القطط؟ يجري ورا بسس الشارع
متدرب على الأوامر؟ نوعا ما بس يحتاج تدريب اكثر
متدرب على قضاء الحاجة؟ نعم في الخارج
متدرب على القفص: نوعا ما
يحب: العضاضات واللعب بالعابه والحنان
يحتاج :متبني اوعائله تقدر تعطيه وقت يتعود على بيته وعائلته الجديده ويعطوه الاهتام الكافي من لعب و رياضه وحنان ويدربوه علي الاساسيات.
قصته: تم العثورعليه في الشارع. اخذوه الجيران وتم تسليمه لمجموعتنا. للاسف لم يتم العثورعلى اصحابه. الآن هوه مع محتضن الين نلاقيله المتبني المناسب
If you are interested in either adopting or temporarily fostering this lovely creature, please click on the link below to fill in an application