Name: Charlie
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years old
Breed: Mixed Breed
Status: With previous owner until good home is found for him
Medical history: Vaccinated. Microchipped. Neutered
Temperament: Overall sweet demeanor. Very protective and anxious which can come off as aggressive if boundaries are not set early. Medium energy when exercised daily.
Good with kids? NO (Teenagers and adults only)
Good with dogs? Takes time to feel comfortable around them (tolerates small dogs more)
Good with cats? NO
Knows any commands? Yes (Sit, Stay, Down (lay down), heel/slow, up, paw, kisses, treat, food, outside, walk).
Potty trained? YES, outside
Crate trained? NO
Where does dog usually sleep?I n the family room with the door to the rest of the house closed. He doesn’t like complete darkness and so there are big windows to let in natural light / yard lights from outside. When startled, Charlie can snip. It is not recommended for Charlie to sleep on the bed/in the bedroom where sudden movements at night can startle him.
Needs: An individual or couple who are patient and willing to work with a rescue. The new adopters ideally would be those who do not currently have any pets and do not plan on having children living in their home. A home with an outdoor open space where Charlie can run around when he’s at home would be great since he gets bursts of energy (usually in the morning and late afternoon). Charlie is an anxious dog and this can come off as aggressive if he is caught off guard or in an uncomfortable situation, especially when sleeping.
Loves: Charlie is smart and is driven by games and exercise. He is not food driven, but enjoys treats and is excited when given puzzles to get to his treats. He loves to play catch and tug-of-war. He LOVES socks. Beware of leaving your socks around the house because they will disappear.
Reason for re-homing: Charlie was adopted a few years back after he was rescued from the street, however, due to his anxiety and his tendency to get startled easily this has caused safety challenges with the baby becoming more mobile and curious. For this reason, his family has decided it is safer to re-home him to a family with no children.
الاسم: تشارلي
النوع: مهجن
العمر: سنتين
الوضع الحالي: مع عائلته الين ما يلاقي العائلة المناسبة
معلومات طبية (بيطرية): متطعم ، مخصي .
ولديه مايكروشب
الطبع: ودود.خواف، وقلق. طاقة متوسطة
تشارلي كلب قلِق ويمكن يبان عدوانيً إذا فوجئ أو في موقف غير مريح ، خاصةً عند النوم.
لطيف مع الغرباء: ياخد وقت يتعود عليهم
لطيف مع الأطفال: لا
لطيف مع القطط: لا
متدرب على الأوامر: نعم (الاساسيات)
متدرب على قضاء الحاجة: ايوه في الخارج
متدرب على القفص: لا
فين متعود ينام: غرفة العائلة وباب مغلق. ما يحب الظلام. افضل ما ينام على السريراو في غرفة النوم عشان ممكن يتفاجئ من الاصوات او الحركات خاصة وهوا نايم
يحب: الألعاب و الرياضية. يستمتع بالمكافآت .يحب أن يلعب لعبة شد الحبل. يحب الجوارب. احذر من ترك جواربك حول المنزل لأنها ستختفي.
يحتاج: متبني عنده خبرة مع الكلاب . عنده الوقت والصبر انه يوفرله البيئة اللي يحتاجها و يعطيه الوقت الكافي عشان يتعود على بيته الجديد. شخص يقدر يريضه يوميا و يحطله حدود واضحة. يفضل انه يكون بيت مافي حيوانات ولا اطفال. انه يكون في مساحة خارجية يقدر يلعب فيها و يقضي حاجته.
القصة: تم تبني تشارلي قبل بضع سنوات بعد أن تم إنقاذه من الشارع ، ولكن بسبب قلقه ، اصبح خطرعلى المولود الجديد في الأسرة. لهذا السبب ، قررت عائلته أنه من الافضل انه يروح لعائلة ما عندها اطفال
If you are interested in either adopting or temporarily fostering this lovely creature, please click on the link below to fill in an application
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