Dec 6, 2024
Breed: Shih tzu
Gender: Male
Age: 1 to 3 years old
Date of rescue: Dec 6, 2024
Medical History: Vaccinated. Neutered. Microchipped
Status: In a foster home at KAUST until a suitable home is found for him
Temperament: Friendly, sweet, Playful, affectionate, Medium energy
Good with strangers? Yes
Good with kids? Yes
Good with dogs? Yes
Good with Cats? Unknown
Knows commands? Unknown - Needs more training
Potty-Trained? Unknown, needs more training.
Crate Trained? Semi, was crated while in the shelter.
Walks on a leash? Yes
Loves: Pickle is a relatively new rescue so we are still getting to know him
Needs: An adopter who can give him the time and space to settle into his new home, work with him on basic commands, reinforce potty training and boundaries while also giving him the love and attention he deserves.
Story: Pickle was found lost in the lost in street. He was wearing a collar but it had no identification. Sadly, his owners were never found. We are still getting to know him, but we do know that he has a very gentle and sweet nature. He is now waiting a suitable foster/forever home.
الاسم: بيكل
النوع: شيتزو
الجنس: ذكر
العمر: بين سنه و٣ سنوات
تاريخ الانقاذ: ديسمبر ٦ ، ٢٠٢٤
الوضع الحالي: مع محتضن في KAUST الين نلاقي المتبني المناسب
معلومات طبية (بيطرية): متطعم، مخصي ولديه مايكروشب
الطبع: ودود، لعوب، حنون، طاقته متوسطه
لطيف مع الغرباء؟ نعم
لطيف مع الأطفال؟ نعم
لطيف مع الكلاب؟ نعم
لطيف مع القطط؟ غير معروف
متدرب على الأوامر؟ غير معروف - يحتاج تدريب
متدرب على قضاء الحاجة؟ غير معروف - يحتاج تدريب
متدرب على القفص؟ نوعا ما
يمشي بالليش؟ نعم
يحب: لسه بنتعرف عليه اكثر
يحتاج: متبني يقدر يدربه علي الأساسيات ويعطيه الوقت و المساحه يتعود على بيته الجديد. شخص يقدر يعطيه الحنان اللي يحتاجه.
قصته: تم العثور عليه في الشارع وتسليمه لمجموعتنا. للاسف لم يتم العثور على اصحابه. لسه بنتعرف عليه اكثر.الان ينتظر المتبني او المحتضن المناسب
If you are interested in either adopting or temporarily fostering this lovely creature, please click on the link below to fill in an application