Dogs name: ALASKA
Gender: MALE
Age: 1 yr old
Breed: Alaskan Malamute
Date rescued: Jan 13, 2023
Status: In OPJ shelter - Needs a foster home
Medical history: Vaccinated and neutered (will be microchipped upon adoption)
Temperament: Friendly, shy, medium energy.
Good with strangers? YES, can be a bit shy around men
Good with kids? YES
Good with dogs? YES, but needs more exposure to small dogs and can be dominant around other large male dogs especially around food
Good with cats? Not tested
Knows any commands? Yes (sit) - is very food motivated.
Potty trained? yes - would need reinforcement in a new home (taken out frequently)
Crate trained? semi
Walks on a leash? YES
Needs: An adopter who can exercise him daily, set clear boundaries, reinforce basic commands and socialize him more. Someone with a spacious secure outdoor area that he can run around in. The most ideal would be someone in a cold city/country or who will eventually move to a cold city/country where his breed can truly flourish and have a good quality of life.
Loves: Food, exploring, receiving affection.
Story: Alaska was found wandering the street near Auto Mall. He had been spotted a week prior so we are assuming he was on the street for a while before finally being spotted and rescued. He was found eating from food that was thrown next to a trash can obviously famished from being on the street for a while. Now he's out on weight and he's a healthy boy who just needs the the right family.
الاسم: الاسكا
النوع: الاسكا مالاموت
الجنس: ذكر
العمر: سنه
الوضع الحالي: في الملجئ- يحتاج محتضن الين مايلقي متبني
معلومات طبية (بيطرية): متطعم ومخصي
الطبع: خجول، فرندلي، طاقته متوسطة
لطيف مع الغرباء؟ نعم خجول اكثر مع الرجال
لطيف مع الأطفال؟ نعم
لطيف مع الكلاب؟ نعم بس يحتاج يتعود اكثر الكلاب الصغيره والذكور خاصة لمن يكون في اكل
لطيف مع القطط؟ غير معروف
متدرب على الأوامر؟ نعم بس يحتاج تدريب أكثر
متدرب على قضاء الحاجة؟ نعم بس يحتاج تدريب اكثر خاصة في منزل جديد
يمشي بالليش ؟ نعم
متدرب على القفص؟ نوعا ما
يحب: الاكتشاف والمشي والحنان و يحب الاكل كثير
يحتاج: شخص يقدر يكمل تدريبه على الاساسيات، يحطله حدود في المنزل. شخص عنده مكان خارجي مغلق يقدر يجري فيه. يفضل لو كان شخص في بلده بارده او بينقل بلده بارده عشان يقدر يعيش حياه مناسبه اكثر لفصيلته.
قصته: تم العثور على الاسكا في الشارع بياكل من الزباله. للاسف لم يتم العثور على اصحابه والان هوه في صحه جيده ينتظر المتبني المناسب
If you are interested in either adopting or temporarily fostering this lovely creature, please click on the link below to fill in an application
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